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Norway's Citizens' Assembly on Sustainable Consumption (Nasjonalt folkepanel om bærekraftig forbruk)

Planned to run from October 2024 to February 2025

‍Norwegian Citizen’s Assembly on Sustainable Consumption (


The Norwegian Ministry for Digitalization and Public Governance, on behalf of the Norwegian Government in full, has commissioned a Citizens’ Assembly on Sustainable Consumption to support their work in addressing the UN Sustainability Goals.


The Assembly is tasked with considering and providing recommendations for solutions to three central problems identified by the government:  

  1. How can we reduce our overconsumption of goods while maintaining a high quality of life?
  2. What is needed for us to consume less textiles, shoes, electronics, furniture, and equipment for home and leisure by 2030?
  3. How can we reduce overconsumption in an inclusive and fair way?

Commitment to respond

The Norwegian government has committed to responding to the recommendations made by the members of the Assembly in an upcoming White Paper on the UN Sustainability Goals.


SoCentral and We Do Democracy will constitute a third-party secretariat to ensure independence and legitimacy of the Citizen’s Assembly. The third-party secretariat will design and implement the Assembly and is responsible for the content of the Assembly meetings. This applies to the design of the process, the program for the gatherings and the organization of the gatherings.

Delivery bodies

SoCentral and We Do Democracy will design and implement the Assembly. Recruitment is currently being carried out by SoCentral.

Participant recruitment

Recruitment is currently being carried out by SoCentral. Recruitment for the Assembly consists of sending 40.000 introductory SMS-invitations to residents across Norway, chosen via a democratic lottery. 66 members will be selected from the group of citizens who indicate their willingness to participate in the Assembly. Travel to and from the physical gatherings, board and lodging are covered.


The members of the Norwegian Citizens’ Assembly on Sustainable Consumption are expected to meet a total of five times between October 2024 and February 2025.


‍The Assembly will combine both in-person and online meetings. The members are expected to meet physically twice and three times online.


Not yet available.

Evidence base

Information not yet available.

Developing recommendations

Not yet available.

Final report

Not yet available.

Official response

‍Response not yet available.

Oversight of official response

No information available yet.


The outcomes of the Assembly are expected to influence governmental policy on sustainable consumption. The extent is not yet known.


Not yet available.


The budget has not yet been made public.

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