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Norwegian Government Announces Citizens' Assembly on Sustainable Consumption

September 9, 2024

The Norwegian government has announced the country’s first citizens’ assembly that will consider what a future with reduced consumption of goods will look like. The 66 members of the Citizens’ Assembly on Sustainable Consumption will work to provide recommendations to the government on the following questions:

  • How can we reduce our overconsumption of goods while maintaining a high quality of life?
  • What is needed for us to consume less textiles, shoes, electronics, furniture, and equipment for home and leisure by 2030?
  • How can we reduce overconsumption in an inclusive and fair way?

The third-party secretariat for the assembly is a collaboration between SoCentral and We Do Democracy and we are pleased that Graham Smith, Chair of KNOCA, is part of the deliberative expert group that is providing advice and oversight to the process.  

This is the first of two national climate assemblies that will take place in the coming months. The second, also coordinated by SoCentral, will be commissioned by a consortium of humanitarian and other civil society organisations, focusing on the increasing fossil fuel profits of the sovereign wealth fund. This initiative was introduced during the KNOCA Workshop on Climate Assemblies Commissioned by Civil Society.


See the website for the Norwegian Citizens’ Assembly on Sustainable Consumption for more details.

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