Setting the Remit

Guiding Principles for Setting the Remit of a Climate Assembly

Climate assemblies – and citizens’ assemblies more generally – are becoming ever more popular as a form of citizen engagement. Critical to the success of assemblies are the characteristics of the issue to be discussed. Often it is government ministers or parliamentarians who decide on the remit, but it can also be civil society actors, randomly selected citizens’ themselves, or stakeholder bodies. Whoever it may be, they all face the same question:

Is the issue on the table a good one to present to a citizens’ assembly?

Guiding Principles

The criteria laid out in this short paper and the infographic presented below serve as guiding principles to help answer that question. They are best understood as a checklist of factors to consider in deciding on a remit – as much as what to avoid as what works well.

Click here to download Guiding Principles - Infographic


Download Guiding Principles for Setting the Remit of a Climate Assembly - Short Paper


Stephanie Brancaforte
Janosch Pfeffer
Leuphana University Lüneburg
