Key Drivers of Impact

Every climate assembly aims to have an impact, but what are the main drivers of impact?

Every climate assembly aims to have an impact whether directly on policy-making, on the political or public debate, on behaviour or on the democratic system as a whole, equipping it for long term decision making to mitigate climate change.

But What are the Key Drivers of Impact?  

In a well-run process, three factors stand out:  

  • The question asked in the assembly; 
  • The mandate given as expressed by the quality of follow-up;
  • A robust, inclusive communications strategy.

In our guidance we identify and elaborate on these three key drivers of impact. Each driver is accompanied by a list of recommendations and examples on how to (and how not to) optimise these factors. An at-a-glance rendering of the main conclusions are presented in the infographic that can be reached below.

Download "Key drivers of impact - Infographic"


Eva Rovers
Bureau Burgerberaad
Yves Dejaeghere
