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How Can Citizens’ Assemblies Help Navigate the Systemic Transformations Required by the Polycrisis?

July 31, 2024

Claire Mellier, ISWE and Stuart Capstick, former Deputy Director of the Centre for Climate Change and Social Transformations (CAST), have published set of Guidelines that aim to answer the question how can citizens’ assemblies can help navigate the systemic transformations?

The authors focus on power literacy as the key element that allows practitioners to understand how citizens’ assemblies can grapple with the systemic and deep-rooted aspects of present crises. The report illuminates the relationship between citizens’ assemblies, power and social transformations through tangible examples, focusing on high-profile climate assemblies in which they had direct involvement: the United Kingdom’s Climate Assembly (CAUK), France’s Convention Citoyenne pour le Climat (CCC) and the first transnational citizens’ assembly on the climate and ecological crisis, the Global Assembly (GA).

The target audiences are practitioners, policymakers, researchers, and civil society.

Download the full CAST guidelines

Download the CAST summary briefing

Hear the authors discuss a draft version of the Guidance at the KNOCA Workshop on Systems Change.

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